United Way | stephanie@eighty6.agency
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Author: stephanie@eighty6.agency

The foundation has been poured in Fair Lawn! -- not just the foundation for our new project, but a foundation of community support! With the help of our incredible partners, we are taking on major challenges, financial strategies, and working toward systemic change on housing...

Thanks to our sponsors at Teterboro Chrysler Jeep Dodge for supporting this year’s Teterboro Airport 5K, helping to build homes for veterans and their families! Get a sneak peek of their latest commercial airing tomorrow! Haven’t registered for T5K yet? Click here!...

Everyone knows, or has at least heard of, United Way. A nonprofit veteran that raises critical dollars for dozens of worthwhile charitable and community organizations to address our society’s greatest issues. What is less familiar to most, is that in 2005, Bergen County’s United Way made...

Guess what? It’s raining, again! But it wasn’t yesterday, and I took full advantage of the sunny day to show you something a little different we’re working on in Allendale - for our veterans. Click the video thumbnail below to spend a minute with me for an insider look...

Our community. It is the strong sense of community between our tenants that makes our homes more than just beautiful buildings. Each year, our tenants come together to share their talents in a show stopping performance at our annual gala. Click the video thumbnail below to spend a...