United Way | Charitable Flex Fund
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Charitable Flex Fund

Flexible Giving. Made Simple.

Open a Charitable Flex Fund Account

The Charitable Flex Fund (Flex Fund) is giving made simple. You can donate to favorite charities, online or from your phone, all from one account. As an online charitable checking account, the Flex fund is an easy, flexible way to make and manage your personal philanthropy. Our new app allows you to track your giving and with useful reports on your charitable annual contributions – all from one place!

Benefits of our Giving Account:

• Support any nonprofit charity
• Get just one tax receipt
• No Fees – No risk!
• Donate cash, stocks, real estate and more
• Donate and track your giving mobile and online

How it Works

Step 1: Make a donation to Bergen County’s United Way

When you donate to your Giving Account you can take the same tax deductions as donating to any public charity.

If you donate with stocks, bonds or real estate, you have an opportunity to further maximize your deduction. You generally won’t have to pay capital gains and you can take an income tax deduction in the amount of the full fair-market value, up to 30% of your AGI!

There is no minimum balance, but $200 is required to open the account.

Step 2: Download the Charitable Flex Fund App

Step 3: Start donating to your favorite charities!

Open your account today and Start Giving:

Michele deJesus
Charitable Flex Fund Advisor

Get Mobile!

Already have an account? Download the Charitable Flex Fund App today!