United Way | Very Special Homes Residents Attend Garden State Rollergirls’ Season Opener
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Very Special Homes Residents Attend Garden State Rollergirls’ Season Opener

Very Special Homes Residents Attend Garden State Rollergirls’ Season Opener

On April 12, 2014, the Garden State Rollergirls celebrated World Down Syndrome Day (which is always March 21, chosen for the trisomy of the 21st chromosome) at their season opener. All of the proceeds from a 50/50 raffle benefited Bergen County United Way’s “Special Homes for Very Special People” special needs housing developments. Some of our Very Special residents also got to participate in the event! What a great way to kick off the season! If you’re into fun local activities, roller derby is something you can’t miss! Check out their website here. Orchard Commons resident Diana, who considers public speaking her fourth job, gave an opening speech before the game. Watch it here! Can’t wait for the next game!